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Neightive Gumis

 Neightive GumiPoni Update Page

Who know what these are? ? (turn on sound for some cute bird noises)

A video posted by GumiPoni (@gumiponi) on



Here's a STORY TIME update on the Neightives from April Fools Day! Yes, they were real! Yes, if you bought a listing, you will get a Neightive!

I've had to answer so many funny emails from people asking me if I was for real or not about the Neightives!

Anyway - I said in the listing that they'd be done within 2 weeks. I want to add a little context to that. At the time I made the listing, the people I had shown the Neightive sculpt to said that no one would like it and it wouldn't sell. My friend put a bet on less than 7 being sold. So I had no hopes it would go over well. In fact, one friend said, "I don't think horse people will like this". 

But I really liked it. So I put it up. Plus, it's April Fools. You can get away with a lot on April Fools. 

By the end of the day, over 50 people had picked up one or more Neightives - which was no where near the number I was expecting. I was sincerely planning on making 10. I only had 1 mold…a really crappy one at that. So I had to make more molds, better molds, buy more resin, and start cranking up my work schedule to get these done. 

The point of all of this is: They aren't finished, yet. I wasn't prepared for the love you'd all show to little cheeto shaped, CatDog Gumis. It took me 2 weeks just to cast them all. But I'm working on them and I'll update you all on Instagram as I go along!
So feel free to follow me on instagram @gumiponi to see how things are going!

all the gumi love,





About half of the Gumis are in finishing stages and I hope to have the other half in finishing stages by tomorrow!

They'll need a full day to set/cure and and I'll probably need a full day or two for shipping, but the Gumi Neightives will be headed out this week!


UPDATE MAY 5, 2016

All but a couple Gumi Neightives have shipped!!!